The Black man.

The last one hundred an fifty years have been the most tremendous in the history of the black man.

Right now, we mourn our legendary King of Wakanda Kingdom in The Black Panther & Avengers blockbusters. R.I.P. King Chadwick Boseman Tchalla of Wakanda, the black empire. Another Black milestone.

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The world is in a storm. A whirlwind of sorts. The death of Chadwick Boseman, riots and upheaval in the United States of America under the Black Lives Matter platform, China, the USA presidential campaigns mainly between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the Corona Virus pandemic, tensions in the sea between USA and China, possible meteor collision with earth, and the list is endless.

Undeniably, it has been a long, bloody, tiresome and frustrating journey. The black man’s history was erased long ago and got replaced by a more “convenient” white version. Black became the symbol of evil and white that of good.

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The slave trade and the plundering of the “dark” continent gave rise to the world’s greatest powers today. Then came the First World War. For the first time, the black man was elevated from “beast” status to warrior. Assimilation aside, this was where the whites began planting the first seeds of the black man’s rise.

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For the black man who’d come from Africa, the black man who had never seen the all powerful white man in a vulnerable position, this was the eye opener. I remember stories from the old back home telling us how their forefathers got elated upon realising that the white man died and suffered just like the black one. No magic, no superior beings, just human, and yes, they could lose at war.

This set the stage for everything. The black man learn the ways of the white man. Mastered his language, his way of life, his source of knowledge, his history then he anchored it all deep into his black roots.

Coming to think of it, isn’t that the whole concept of Wakanda?

So then, we had a disease resistant, weather resistant, educated warrior with deep anchored African roots. Everything else started rolling down from there. We could all suffer, die, hurt, fight equally……….. We could as well live equally.

The pioneers had the ground set for them

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Fertile ground. The black man gradually and systematically became the best at the prior white endeavors that he set out to


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And the unstoppable force continues to gain momentum. The “superiority” of the black man is not in any way intended to demean any other race, it is simply an illustration of the fact that the black race is equally good at whatever tasks the other races of humankind perform.

Black Panther tickled the black man’s ego. The possibilities are limitless. Oh how easy it would be to turn black communities and Africa into Wakanda or Dubai or Guangzhou.

The black man needs to take a pause and reflect on himself. Appreciate how far he has come and cut off all the ties and strings that pull him down.

The black man’s greatest threat is not the white man, it is his fellow black man. It is his ego, his paranoia, his attitude. I don’t mean throw it all away. What is a black man without his paranoia anyway? Let’s just get rid of the ugly stuff.

Help and reach out to those in need because you already have more than you will ever need. Let Black Lives Matter for a change use it’s billion dollar contributions to touch and change a life somewhere. A hungry or jobless or homeless man’s greatest fear is not and never was a cop’s harassment. Give and share and appreciate. Kill less, hurt less, discriminate less, give more, care more, share the billions and at the end of the day, together, Black, White, Arab, Asian, Coloured,……. We could all make this a better place, for everyone.

Where no one has too much, and no one has too little.

Thanks for your time n patience. Would really love to hear your take.

